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Industrial Automation & Monitoring using LabVIEW Software for Milk Dairy.

This Project deals with the Industrial Embedded Automation for a milk exporting industry (Chilling Plant) using NI ELVIS II Prototyping board with the help of LABVIEW Software. The different sensor networks are settled or placed at a different places of milk processing areas in industry. By making them into a bunch of connection and they connected to NI ELVIS II Board. And by ELVIS board to the PC(Personal Computer). In PC, the LABVIEW Software is installed for the extracting the information that coming from ELVIS Board through USB port of PC .LABVIEW will shows in a graphical manner or with some 3D animated format. These information will displayed on the PC window as a notification and by Email with SMTP protocol which will be secure at all time. So, operator can respond quickly.

See the PPT in the below scroll window :

  1. The Download link for the PPT Download
  2. The YouTube link for the Project Video Play


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